

People worry often about tomorrow and what tomorrow will bring. The worry about tomorrow, however, causes you to miss today and the opportunity to properly prepare for tomorrow. When tomorrow comes, it is then based on worry, anticipation, fear and everything else you...
What’s to Happen Next?

What’s to Happen Next?

Many of you are worried about what is to happen next. It is understandable as you wish to have reassurance as to your future, especially if you are currently experiencing problems in the present. The ideal thought process, however, would be to focus on the present and...
Creating an Undesirable Future

Creating an Undesirable Future

When it comes to the future, many are living in the past when it is necessary to live in the present to prepare for the future properly. When you live in the past, you drag the past with you into the future. If you were not happy with the past, then letting go of it...
Waiting For Change

Waiting For Change

Why do you wait for change? Why not live as if all was exactly as it should be. You project into the universe your dissatisfaction by desiring change. Ask the universe for a new opportunity, situation, etc., but then leave it alone for the universe to orchestrate....

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