For many years, my cosmic call has been Source, and Archangel Michael working through me as a spiritual healer to clear darkness and rebalance errors made throughout our history. It has been a long and arduous project returning fallen angels, demons, and other dark...
Source God’s guidance for a bright future. Today we have a bright new beginning. The sun is shining in all ways these days. The brightness you see is the glow of me permeating the planet versus the darkness that once ruled you. Much change is coming, but you...
I have heard countless people comment on how dark they feel the world is these days. Many have thought that the world is in worse shape than ever. Fear has risen and has taken over many. When I discuss the dynamics of the world with my clients during our spiritual...
People don’t often realize how they have been negatively impacted from the use of magic this lifetime or others. And, that if they have been manipulated in any fashion, the person manipulating the outcome has caused karma for themselves as well as others....
A year ago June Archangel Michael told me I had to get over my hatred of humanity. It was rather a shock to hear but upon reflection I realized he was right. This is the time of ascension. There is so much that is positive right now but with the calling to clear...