by Joy Pedersen | Jun 2, 2010 | General
Memories are what sabotage your results today. When you live in the past, remembering what happened and fear of it repeating, you hesitate. You decide what to do based on the past, and you don’t live in the present. Memories can be wonderful if they consist of...
by Joy Pedersen | May 5, 2010 | Decisions, Future
When it comes to the future, many are living in the past when it is necessary to live in the present to prepare for the future properly. When you live in the past, you drag the past with you into the future. If you were not happy with the past, then letting go of it...
by angels | Aug 2, 2008 | General, Letting Go, Readings
You take on too many things because you are coming from lack. You don’t think there is enough if you do only that which you desire. There is plenty and there is plenty for you for the asking. You have to let go of all that no longer serves you. Move beyond the things...