Living Joy

Living Joy

Are you living in a state of joy? It is something you can experience much easier in 5D. That is because you vibrate high to make it into 5D. The state of joy is actually a higher vibration than love is. Many are blocked in giving and receiving love in some way which...


Excerpt from Wisdom of the Guardian of Archangel Michael’s perspecting on parenting read by author, Joy Pedersen. If video is not shown, click here.   Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified...


What happened to Sundays? It used to be a day spent with family sharing dinner and family activities, drives in the country, resting and relaxing. That has diminished in this society today with all the rushing, the numerous projects and activities that keep everyone...
Play for Money

Play for Money

People often put work first thinking they have to work hard in order to make money. It is actually the opposite. You can create more money by playing than anything else. When you play, you raise your vibration. When you raise your vibration, you attract more money....


Playtime is creative time. Even if you are not someone who is not creative by means of expressing yourself through arts and crafts or similar activity, it is important to play to create. The shift in energy that occurs when you play is significant as it opens channels...


Work seems to take prevalence these days. But pleasure is something people are seeking and need more than ever. It is time to become pleasure seekers in a balanced way. It is important to balance work with pleasure regardless if you have pleasure in work it is...

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