I went to a local drum circle at the beach on Sunday. On the outskirts of the circle, people were preaching about Jesus. One man wore a shirt with words about choosing Jesus or perish. Another used a megaphone to be heard over the drumming likely. Knowing Jesus personally, he has never represented himself as the persona displayed that evening. He often promotes peace but not in a forceful manner. These people disrupted what could have been a state of peace and joy, which is what living in Heaven on Earth demonstrates. It was a sad state of affairs.
In my frustration, I looked to Jesus. At that moment, all I saw him do was shrug his shoulders and throw his hands up.
When I returned to my computer Monday morning, Jesus commented about the situation.
Message from Jesus:
You were disturbed on Sunday! How do you think I felt? I am miserable over how people use and misuse my name and teachings.
These individuals aren’t the culprit, I might add. They were doing what they felt was right and were as guilty trying to save others as any of us have been.
Why are we guilty? We are trying to impose our beliefs on others and convert them to our thinking. Why do we suppose we are right and they are wrong? And by they, I mean anyone who thinks differently than we do.
You and I come from a vantage point that others may not share.
I am sad that some Christians make others wrong for believing differently than they do. What makes them think they are right is that they were force-fed certain beliefs that may or may not have been mine but what the church doctrine wanted conveyed.
Some of my teachings were misinterpreted and made to seem like law rather than a perspective and, at times, a misinterpreted perspective.
We wish everyone could find God, but God needs to be explained better so that people can understand the depth or breadth of the Source who created each one of us.
I am no more special than them and vice versa.
We are of the same cloth. Our roles may be varied, but our essence is the same. Source is within each of us and fuels our lives regardless of what those lives become.
Will the Source of all pick and choose which of his fractals he takes back from their journey here? Will he only select those who chose the path of following me? I think not. I was a way out of a darkened world to return to the light. You are a way out of a darkened world to return to the light.
Being a light doesn’t mean we are the only light.
The misinterpretation of that teaching has caused blocks and barriers to Source for many. It isn’t that those who don’t believe that I am the only way can’t get to Source. It means that the ones preaching separation block themselves and possibly others from the ease of getting to, connecting, and aligning with Souce quickly.
Those who teach fear, such as the display Sunday of choosing Jesus or perish, only create fear, and fear creates separation from love. Source is love. Fear is not of Source. God is love, and it was a teaching of mine. Why would a loving God teach people to fear him?
We all die, and we all live eternally. What does the threat of perishing mean, then? That they will go to hell? Hell doesn’t exist except for the minds of man. It is a location of the mind, a level of consciousness that embraces the dark and makes it real.
The support of hell only helps create that in man’s mind, making it real to those who choose to empower the belief in those teachings.
Until people embrace the teaching and expression of love, they will falter.
These people are faltering, teaching false ideals and placing them upon me, which is inaccurate. The fear they perpetuate only supports the darkness from which the teachings came. These teachings are not of the light. Love does not teach people to fear.
Rest assured, the day will come when all return home to Source after their wandering, learning from experiences, and ascension has been completed. No matter what path someone takes, it will lead back to the Father, the divine creator of all.
No matter how often someone falls, they will get up and eventually figure out the right path to the most significant benefit. If someone stumbles more than others, you can lend a hand. But please do it with compassion rather than by criticizing them.
If you are harsh to someone else and their challenge getting the awareness to do better, remember that you were likely in their shoes once, and someone helped you. Why not do the same and share the love and compassion of finding a path that worked for you and got you where you found that love again of the all-knowing?
If someone still struggles to follow the path that worked for you, allow them to find their way in their time and be there with open arms when they can finally join you in the glory-filled life that you have discovered awaits all upon their arrival home.
Rest assured, as I said, all will make it eventually. Honor the path they chose or found themselves on. Be at peace knowing all will eventually return home in their own time. Trust the process and know that God’s got them all – every last one of them.
I love you all and will continue to help anyone who asks me to help them realize the possibilities of love.
But, please, and I mean PLEASE, don’t use my name or my teachings to berate or belittle another child of God for not knowing who I am or who is following the path of their choosing. If you do, you are disgracing me and using me falsely. For that, I forgive you, but I am asking you not to do it.
For I am ultimately one with Source, as are you.
Whether a person is Christian or not, Jesus is an ascended master who has much wisdom to share. He can be an incredible asset to anyone who seeks him out, and he is willing to help everyone.
Source has told me that he wishes for everyone to be able to connect with him to receive direct guidance. I have often had to help my clients release fear and limiting beliefs within their subconscious so they could make that profound and valuable connection. I have often had to clear negative emotions and limiting beliefs using spiritual healing that has created blocks to that helpful connection. The cause of those blocks has frequently been religious teachings (frequently from other lifetimes) that weren’t for the highest and best good of people.
If you feel stuck in that area, schedule a call. I help remove blocks and barriers to help open and establish that intimate connection for direct divine guidance.
Be guided by the highest aspect of you rather than someone outside of yourself for optimal results.
Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She is a noted business consultant and spiritual healer with an international clientele, offering personalized guidance and transformative healing remotely via phone, Skype, or Zoom.
Chosen by Archangel Michael, she was asked to channel his book Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life, and partner with him to create a global healing practice. Their collaborative efforts, aimed at setting humanity free, are highlighted in the international best-seller Clear Your Past and Change Your Future.
Joy works with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and release hidden challenges impacting money, relationships, career, business, health, and overall well-being. Her expertise includes clearing negative memories, emotions, limiting beliefs, past-life issues, property imbalances, travel disruptions, curses, darkness, and karmic patterns.
In addition to private sessions, Joy offers a group membership program through SacredCircle.live, where participants can access powerful tools and collective healing to support spiritual growth and personal success.
To receive free guides and support designed to help you soar and succeed with greater ease, visit GiftsfromJoy.com.