As my mission has been to turn dark to light and help all reach the highest light, Lucifer and the fallen angels have been a significant project.
When Archangel Michael appeared to me in 2004, asking me to write his book, Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life and join him in a healing practice, I immediately said yes. Every Wednesday night for months, I heard a booming voice telling me I would find out who I was soon. I had no idea who was saying that or what it meant until the day he stood in my living room.
I have since learned that I could improve at asking enough of the right questions. All I thought about asking Michael was how many chapters were in the book. He said 22, and I said yes. It never occurred to me to ask what we would be healing. I may have reconsidered if I knew that clearing darkness and moving Lucifer to the light was the focus. But, since it was my calling, my inner knowing got the better of me.
Ever since I was little, I knew I was here for the end of the world as we knew it. I realized later that it was the end of the world run by darkness. So, that yes was definitely from that awareness, but I still wasn’t clear on the meaning. Now, I am, and it all makes sense.
Although I have had countless interactions with Lucifer, this is a quick overview to set the stage for the message Lucifer that follows. My second book, Clear Your Past and Change Your Future, elaborates on some of that history for those interested. Much more progress has occurred since that was written, but that is for another time. In the interim, here is the message from…
There was a time when I was running everything on Earth. People often gave their power over to me because of a lack of awareness.
Their connection to Source was diminished. They did not know who they were. This world of experimentation was set up so people would be tested to see what they would do in the face of challenge. What would they choose? Dark or light?
When people chose the dark side, they would align with me. It was up to me to serve and meet them where they were.
Archangel Michael and the team on the light side would serve and support their outcomes if they chose the light.
We could not interfere as it was not our role. It wasn’t beneath us, however, to do so. We could tempt and taunt but not influence by doing things for people. They had to act on their own. That was the ultimate test.
Your description of the angel and the devil, ‘Eat the cookie; don’t eat the cookie,’ is as accurate as any description could be. Both influenced you, but the darker the world, the harder it was for the light beings to appear, nurture, and assist.
We edged them out due to the nature of the denser energies.
That is where you came in. You vibrated higher than most out of the gate when you were born. You could easily house Michael and Faith where others of denser energies could not hold their light.
They could accomplish much through you when they got a foothold on the planet again. You have done more for this world than anyone could imagine.
Taking me out of the game gave the angels and ascended masters a fighting chance to change the playing field. If I were not there to respond to greed or fear or undermine as I thought fit at the time, they would have better luck all around. They began to choose better and live better.
What you see now are the remnants of a world I ran according to how I saw fit. I was not about pleasing God. I wanted to do it my way. As you have often said, arrogance is the bottom line of all world problems. No one has ever been more arrogant than me. And I taught my followers well.
Unfortunately, for all of you, there have been far too many followers of my methods. They have undermined you throughout all sectors. No one has been left untouched by my hand.
Current Status
Let’s address the current situation. Many of my followers have returned to the light or are on their way back to the light. Some have some rectifying to do. Some are called to remain behind as the need for their influence remains according to free will.
Those of you who wish to perpetuate the dark by aligning with it, keep that side of the playing field active.
When you are ready to stop empowering the dark, the dark will no longer be fed.
The temptation may remain, but you can choose not to feed it or give in.
The more aware you become, the less vulnerable you are.
Children of God
You are all children and aspects of God. If you align with that Source of energy and not the dark side, you will be free of temptation and its effects. The giving into fear, lack, shame, greed, etc., causes you to overstep the line and diminish your outcomes.
You are on the road to recovery from a world run by darkness, but it is not an easy or quick fix. Each individual must look within to identify and release all alignment with me and the dark in any capacity. The challenge lies in the individual’s willingness to look, notice, accept, repent, and forgive. When you can do that, you are free from the darkness that binds and limits you to this day.
The challenge is that many still do not believe in reincarnation because many of these alignments occurred in past lives. Regardless, you are suffering from them now in ways you do not see or feel. These energies are carried within your DNA and continue to play out in ways you do not realize. The limitations in your ability to express and achieve what you want easily come from the alignments in those lifetimes where you may not have conscious recollection.
Look Within
The more you can look within, the easier it becomes to notice and rectify the imbalances. Many do not look within because it is too harsh to recognize the true self and its errors. Looking in the mirror is difficult for most, so many are challenged with meditation. There is a part of you afraid of what you will see. Your subconscious holds the answers you seek, but you must be willing to connect with the subconscious.

Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She is a noted business consultant and spiritual healer with an international clientele, offering personalized guidance and transformative healing remotely via phone, Skype, or Zoom.
Chosen by Archangel Michael, she was asked to channel his book Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life, and partner with him to create a global healing practice. Their collaborative efforts, aimed at setting humanity free, are highlighted in the international best-seller Clear Your Past and Change Your Future.
Joy works with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and release hidden challenges impacting money, relationships, career, business, health, and overall well-being. Her expertise includes clearing negative memories, emotions, limiting beliefs, past-life issues, property imbalances, travel disruptions, curses, darkness, and karmic patterns.
In addition to private sessions, Joy offers a group membership program through, where participants can access powerful tools and collective healing to support spiritual growth and personal success.
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