You are all my children. I love each of you thoroughly and completely. I may not always adore what you do or how you do it, but that doesn’t diminish my love for you. I wish for you to feel it. I want you to know how loved you are. It would help if you got that...
As my mission has been to turn dark to light and help all reach the highest light, Lucifer and the fallen angels have been a significant project. When Archangel Michael appeared to me in 2004, asking me to write his book, Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from...
This is a message I received from Ashtar (Lord Ashtar, The Commander and Chief of The Galactic Federation of Light). As you will see, it addresses me personally but includes everyone in the message. It gives you clarity, hope and guidance to bring forth change and...
This message from God came this morning addressing life, choice and circumstances today: The veil is lifting for more to see beyond the illusion from within which they have operated their entire lives. People are waking up daily discovering life isn’t what they once...
Over the years in my work for God, I have noticed that the more I do my work, the more I am rewarded in often unexpected ways with gifts from God. It seems somewhat obvious though that when you serve God, God rewards you. It’s like any job really. When you do a...
This message came through Sunday morning, November 13, 2016 following a message delivered by Jesus on Thursday, November 10, 2016. Both messages are regarding me but also address a larger issue reflected in the current climate following our recent Presidential...