Wisdom of the Guardian
Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life
By Michael, the Archangel
Everyone is panicking over the chaos of their Own life not realizing they are on the last legs of cleansing eons of time that came before that has contributed to their suffering now.
Don’t live your life out of fear-based decisions affecting mankind in a negative rather than in a positive way.
Consider the actions take and make them consciously you so you are not doing things that negatively affect others.
Changing one’s belief system may be the hardest thing one will ever do with their life.
Attract from a place of love and possibility rather than from a place of fear and limitation
At this time there are so many synergies blending together toward the same end or goal to enter into the new millennium.
At no time in history have the decisions you’ve made over aeons of time been more prevalent.
At no time in history has there been a more serious time for people to get into their right roles.