
Clarity Consultations

Release blocks to greater success

occurring more easily and effortlessly

in any area of life:


Personal Clearing     |     Business Clearing     |     Property     |     Events


Monthly Group Clearing Call


Personal Clearing

Peace, balance, fulfillment. Clear the cause of challenges before or after they happen. Attract the right relationships and have the relationships you have go smoothly and effortlessly. Read more…


Business Clearing

The business as a whole is cleared including owners, staff, clients, real property, projects and events. Charge and receive what you deserve. Attract the appropriate clients. Read more…


How It Works: Telephone or Skype consultations using spiritual process and intuitive skills to release negative unconscious memories, fear, blocks and the cause of problems affecting relationships, business, finance, career, health and well-being.

Client calls at appointed time. A spiritual process is opened and all discussed is included in the process. Client includes everything they desire (mentally or verbally) and Dr. Pedersen also includes what she is guided to include to be released by the Divine. At the end of the session, the process is closed.

Many of my business owner clients also work on their personal and family issues as well as the issues facing them in business. One person can address multiple issues and issues affecting multiple people during a session. It makes these sessions even more comprehensive, says Dr. Joy.

“Clearing Conference Calls” clear away stress, karma, negative memories, attachments and experiences relating to specific topics such relationships and money.

Benefits: Love, joy, peace, freedom, balance and abundance with ease and effortless.

  • Release cause of hidden challenges
  • Achieve greater success more easily and effortlessly
  • Better outcomes
  • Attract perfect and right clients/customers

Release: Cause of problems, negativity, limiting beliefs, behaviors

Negative energy: The basis of life is energy. All animate and inanimate objects are created by as well as maintain energy they pick up along the way and draw to it like energy. If negative energy is cleared, better results are attracted.

Toxic memories: When the subconscious mind remembers anything negative from the past, the attachments to that memory will help draw a repetition of the original experience. Releasing those toxic memories sets you free. You can release them without becoming aware of them consciously.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. —Albert Einstein

If you are challenged by problems, the repetition of undesirable situations or you have problems getting and keeping what you want, you may have blocks or unconscious contributing memories or attachments that may be released to experience life in a improved way.

There are times during a session when a messages may be channeled from a relative, angel or God that is pertinent to the situation being addressed, says Dr. Joy “and I try to record them for future review.”


  • Insights – Intuitive insights shared so you receive a different perspective.
  • Feedback – Ask questions for feedback whether on a business, personal or spiritual basis.
  • Enlightenment – Ancient wisdom as well as universal and new thought for the particular situation.

Joy’s personal approach in our consultation to really listening as to get to root of the issues we are working on and seeing those issues resolved in a favorable way really make it a pleasure to work with her! — All Faiths Minister

Problems: This spiritual non-touch process can be used to solve any problem. All problems may be caused by layers upon layers of situations building to create challenges. Each session will address the layers identified that are ready to be released.

Money: Money is a big issue for many and affects many areas of one’s life. When you get to the root cause of issues around money, you can experience money as something easy and effortless to create, receive and manage. Release blocks to charging and being paid your worth.

Relationships: Emotional attachments to a person, past experience, or situation impacting a former, current or future relationship can be released.

Business Situations: Negotiations, speaking engagements, contracts or challenges can be clarified for the optimal experience and outcomes. *Special pricing by project.

You have a very special, powerful gift. — Elizabeth M.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this website should not be construed as medical advice. Spiritual healers do not prescribe, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. You should always discuss your medical history with your own personal practitioner licensed by law.


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