God To Fill Your Needs

God To Fill Your Needs

Money is prevalent in everyone’s mind because they think that is what is necessary more than anything else in life to survive. It is not. God is. God is the be all, end all in everything. When you think money is most important, you diminish what is. God is the most...
More On Money Issues

More On Money Issues

I keep bringing up money issues because you do. You are more wrapped up in money issues now than ever before. You need not be because the Source of all your supply has never run dry, never been depleted and has all that you desire and deserve available to you. You...
Do You Wonder?

Do You Wonder?

Do you ever wonder what to do? How to do it? Do you ever ask why something is happening? Happening to you, in particular? I know you are all wondering about a lot of things these days. The economy. The right job or school? What to eat? Where to go? What to do next?...
Mark My Words

Mark My Words

When you come to us for assistance, we are there for you. We do not forsake you. We assist you in every way that we can given the dictates of God and our abilities to assist. Our abilities to assist are boundless. Your abilities to receive our help, on the other hand,...
Creating the Right Circumstances

Creating the Right Circumstances

Stay grounded. Bring the right circumstances to you. Do not run after them. Draw them to you. It saves time, money, stress, and wear and tear on your body and soul.  “I” (aka God, Divinity)   Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an...

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