God in Gratitude

God in Gratitude

You are all my children. I love each of you thoroughly and completely. I may not always adore what you do or how you do it, but that doesn’t diminish my love for you. I wish for you to feel it. I want you to know how loved you are. It would help if you got that...


I was just listening to an interview of Elizabeth Smart, who was kidnapped and survived to tell her story in a new book. She shared that gratitude was one of the significant keys to her survival. Each day she considered all aspects of her life that she could be...

Expressing Gratitude

Giving thanks is one of the most important behaviors you can employ. By giving thanks, it means you are in acceptance of blessings. There are many blessings you are given but you don’t fully receive them unless you are truly grateful.  Being grateful is like the...

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