by angels | Aug 22, 2012 | Benefits, Past Lives
I went to a past-life therapist in my 20s because a friend’s husband, who was a past-life therapist, said that if I can’t remember my childhood, there must be some block there. My boyfriend could remember as far back as 2. At the time, I thought there was...
by Joy Pedersen | Aug 22, 2012 | Benefits, Past Lives
I went to a past-life therapist in my 20s because a friend’s husband, who was a past-life therapist, said that if I can’t remember my childhood, there must be some block there. My boyfriend could remember as far back as 2. At the time, I thought there was...
by Joy Pedersen | Apr 25, 2011 | Consultations, General
Problems and patterns of negative experiences don’t usually occur due to one isolated incident but due to an accumulation of incidents. Often people come to me out of desperation because some aspect of their life isn’t working. Many continue to come because they...
by Joy Pedersen | Apr 7, 2011 | Case Studies, Consultations
I started this blog to elaborate on my work so people could understand its dynamic. I realize not everyone believes or understands how past lives can continue to impact people today so sharing examples I thought useful. I just got off the phone with a client and still...
by angels | Mar 22, 2011 | Case Studies
A woman was concerned about her husband’s biggest client. He was threatened with losing their business due to new tactics and requirements they placed on him. We did a clearing process on him and the situation. Apparently he had good results at his meeting with them....