Thanks for Signing Up

Thank you for signing up!
Please accept a warm welcome to the Express Success community.
You will receive a complimentary weekly mini e-course over the next five weeks, which I hope you enjoy.
I look forward to our getting to know one another better so we can further build a relationship.
Feel free to connect with me on social media using the links to the right.
Also, please join me at our Help from Heaven group on Facebook, where you can connect with me more regularly and a community of like-minded individuals. 
I will also send you Joyful news and updates as well to notify you of any specific events.
Please email questions or comments at any time. But I would love to hear from you now if you want to tell me about you and your interests.
If you want to discuss any specific issues, feel free to email me at to schedule a time to chat.

Spiritually Yours,


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