Today is a momentous today. 11:11:11 opens a portal of possibility. 11:11 has been significant in my work since God inspired me to begin a monthly group clearing call at 11:11 on the first Saturday of each month. We open our spiritual healing process at that time to magnify the results we are intending to provide participants.

What is the meaning of the numbers that makes this timing so significant?

According to Numerology, the number 11 is the link between the mortal and the immortal; which explains the idea that when the clock strikes 11:11, a window to Heaven opens up to grant wishes. It is one of the codes meaning activation of DNA, and it is a specific frequency of awakening.

A Master number, the 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It is instinctual, charismatic, dynamic, and capable when its sights are set on a concrete goal. The 11 is the number associated with faith.

This year, 2018, equals 11 (2+0+1+8=11). Therefore, this day, the 11th of the 11th month and 11th year, becomes 11:11:11, a significant opening to Heaven providing a major portal to possibility.

It is always your intentions, and your congruence within, that helps you manifest your desires more effortlessly. Energies like today’s help magnetize those intentions. The less dense Fifth Dimension (5D) also supports ease in manifesting. Whatever you think about demonstrates faster in 5D. Therefore, if not congruent within your inner family as to what you purposefully intend, you will demonstrate the incongruence faster, the negative thoughts and fears faster and the clear purposeful intentions faster.

All you need do is look at your results and experiences to determine if what is within is congruent with what you prefer. To bring forth clear results, let go of anything incongruent within the subconscious. By letting go of the limiting beliefs, and negative emotions within, you aren’t unconsciously sabotaging your preferred results. If you have trouble determining what may be incongruent from within the subconscious, we offer private sessions to help you identify and release that which is within and can apply for a clarity call here. If you need simple help releasing, we have our monthly group clearing call.

When you let go of all that sabotages from within, become congruent and surrender your preferences to God, you manifest faster. All becomes more easily aligned when you are aligned with the divine from within your own heart.



spiritual coach

Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. A noted business consultant and networker with a celebrated international clientele with whom she works remotely by phone, Skype, or Zoom.

Archangel Michael asked her to channel his book, Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life and join him in a healing practice. Their global healing work to set humanity free is featured in the international best-seller "Clear Your Past and Change Your Future".

She works closely with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and clear their hidden challenges with money, relationships, career, business, health and well being. Her work includes removing negative memories, emotions, beliefs, past lives, property, travel, darkness, curses, and karma.

For a free report to enhance your life and help you soar and succeed with more ease, go here.

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