Harness Your Power Within:

Clarity in Consciousness for More Effortless Success



Have your harnessed your power? 

  • Do you understand your origins, what embodies your being including your superconscious, conscious and subconscious minds?
  • Are you living your authentic self? Do you even know who that is? 
  • Do you completely understand who you are, and how you operate? or
  • Why you may not be having a life of ease?
  • Do you know where you vibrate and the difference that makes? 


How would you like to understand the various elements of self to 

improve your results and manifest easier and more effectively?

Learn what may be some of the hidden causes of your challenges and how to overcome them to be more effective at creating the life you prefer and deserve.

Join us on…

Saturday, December 15, 2018

10:00 AM  to 1:00 PM

Morristown, New Jersey 

We will be presenting the answers to the above. And, we will take the time to explore the specifics as they relate to you specifically. We will also be doing intermittent clearing on some of the challenges that come up for you.

Join us as we experience this fun and informative time on discovering the real you!


When finished, you should have a better understanding of who you are

and what makes up the vehicle called you! 


  • Would you like an easier time knowing what the right decision is and what appropriate action to take for your highest good? 
  • Would you like to make sure all is in alignment with your highest good so you are not competing against the self? 
  • Would you like to trust your feelings to know which part of you is speaking (is it inspiration from above, fear from your solar plexus, a negative memory from your subconscious programming)? 


Kind Words from Previous attendees of Clarity in Consciousness: 

“That was such a thought-provoking presentation. You were clear and your visuals made it even clearer and easier to understand these concepts, which I’ve never been taught before.” ~ Robin F.

“Your presentation was awesome.” ~ Tom A.

We will clear, as well as give you time to experience, to help you become more effective at life able to flow through it with more clarity, discernment, and understanding. 

Your investment for the clearing workshop is $99.00. Once registered, you will get the address of the usual residence where we have held our events. We are planning on lunch afterward at a local restaurant for those who would like to stay and socialize.  

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