Waiting for What you Want

Waiting for What you Want

Why is it that you don’t materialize what you desire immediately? Although once you create an idea in your mind for a result you want, it is formulated on a certain level, you don’t usually materialize the end result physically immediately. What has to transpire is...
Knowing Flow

Knowing Flow

You need not struggle so much with knowing. Knowing comes from within. It should be gentle, easy and effortless. It should flow from within like a fountain as should all matters of abundance. It all comes from within. You are often seeking and trying to get it from...
Fortune Hunters

Fortune Hunters

Those of you who are seeking your fortunes, where are you looking? Are you looking under every rock or tree or are you looking within for the fortune that lies within? You have a book “Acres of Diamonds”, which is very good. It is a good example of how people go all...


The time of thanksgiving should be a daily occurrence. It is of utmost importance to express your gratitude on a daily, moment-by-moment basis. It is in your gratitude that you experience the fullness and blessings of life. It is out of your gratitude, that you...

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