Beliefs Block Law of Attraction Efforts

Beliefs Block Law of Attraction Efforts

When we set in motion our efforts to attract what we want, we often block the desired results by what we truly believe on an unconscious basis. If we want to attract “x” but only get “y”, it is because our belief system believes that “y” is the option that is either...
God on Life

God on Life

I have created a world filled with abundance, opportunity and gifts…so many gifts. People miss those gifts because of their karma, their past lives, and their ignorance.  It’s time for everyone to recognize that I don’t favor one over another. All of my children...


We live out of our memories or we are inspired. Most of the time, however, we are living out of our memories. Many of those memories are unconscious and from our past lives. Frequently, therefore, we are living our lives today based on experiences that occurred to us...
Clearing Property

Clearing Property

All property retains the energy of whomever or whatever crossed its path. If something has never been cleared, it maintains the energy from the beginning of its creation or existence. That energy attracts like energy. For example, if there is a section of road that...
Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde has become a crutch for many to not take personal responsibility for the outcome of their own lives. It has an effect but not as dramatic as everyone thinks. They can rise above it if they raise their vibration sufficiently enough. Taking conscious...
Clean Up Crew

Clean Up Crew

The more we tune in and listen to our guidance, the less clean up we have to do afterward. Who’s the clean up crew? Us, sometimes the people who end up living at our effect and the angels who assist us. Every act is either for our highest good or not. When we choose...

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