Creating Good Karma

Creating Good Karma

You can consciously create good results by doing good for others. You want to make sure whatever you are doing is for the right reasons and that it is good for all concerned. A colleague told me that when I have made a special offer at events for the opportunity for...


Karma is a funny thing. Yes, it is cause and effect but it is much more than that. It is not something to be taken lightly. You need to be discerning in your actions because some of them have life-long effects and some effects are not always ones you want to...
God on Life

God on Life

I have created a world filled with abundance, opportunity and gifts…so many gifts. People miss those gifts because of their karma, their past lives, and their ignorance.  It’s time for everyone to recognize that I don’t favor one over another. All of my children...


We live out of our memories or we are inspired. Most of the time, however, we are living out of our memories. Many of those memories are unconscious and from our past lives. Frequently, therefore, we are living our lives today based on experiences that occurred to us...
The Dynamics of Clearing

The Dynamics of Clearing

When I work with someone on a particular topic such as finances, other changes may occur in their lives as well. The issues, past life experiences and karma that contribute to one area having a problem, can impact another area when cleared. Even when I work with...
Karmic Balance

Karmic Balance

Karmic balance is very fragile. There may be a fine line between what you may think correct and what is karmically correct.   Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified...

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