Mankind has not been free for very long time. There are those that would prefer all humanity to be within their control. You have been a victim of their control. Their efforts to minimize the possibilities that exist for those of the light to empower and impact mankind. Your efforts to free yourself will help free all from their attachments to those that have been in power and control. That have used  that power and control to limit, restrict, confine those that could be of service to God and of the light. You are among them that could light a path for many.

The confinement that you have endured is a reflection of the confinement that we all have endured because of limited belief, limited perspective, the ideas of a few that have impacted the many. This is the rule, this is the way and if you don’t and hear to it we may murder or confine you. We punish you in some regard for being someone other than a person who fits our picture. If you don’t fit our picture we take upon ourselves to impose our views on you so we can limit your effect on the world. You as a specie being free by nature have been controlled by others who don’t want you to have that freedom to choose for yourself be who you are and live out of divine purpose.

So this time we’re going to set you free from all the constraints that have held you back from time morium in doing so we are going to set free humanity in the constraints that have held them back from being their divine selves living divine rhythm, serving their highest and best good. So all of those who have limited you have also limited all for what has done to one is done to all for this clearing today as we clear you we clear all of the constraints that have bound them to darkness. The darkness that has ruled this planet for too long although they have been greatly diminished and this planet is in the light.

There are still those who hold those constraints tightly to inhibit the freedoms that are of divine right to all that inhabit the planet. So at this time we are setting all free from the constraints that darkness has had upon the planet and each one of you. Each one of  you will be set free from their constraints and the whole darkness’s had on you in any capacity. It is for you to going forward however to release all connections that you ever had to darkness a lack of integrity or have turned away from God. We however will take away the hold they have had on you. So as in anything it takes two to tango.

One side has released you have to let go of the other to set yourself fully free so release from within you all memories and karma connected to confinement, imprisonment being held against your will. By doing so this day forward  you are truly set free, should you hold on to anger resentment fear, limiting beliefs anything  that will block you from fully letting go you  will imprisoning yourself and you can only hold yourself accountable because  the darkness has been removed and their hold you no longer exist. But it is within your grasp to hold on to the past. It is your choice however to choose to let it go or move in to the future in full freedom. All who lack freedom going forward at this point are holding themselves hostage by their own limiting beliefs. For your soul has been set free from their hold on you. You, therefore, must set yourself free and not imprisoned yourselves. Let go of any remembrance of confinement or limitation and you will truly be set free going forward. In a moment by moment case remember you are truly free allow that to be, and it is so.

spiritual coach

Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. A noted business consultant and networker with a celebrated international clientele with whom she works remotely by phone, Skype, or Zoom.

Archangel Michael asked her to channel his book, Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life and join him in a healing practice. Their global healing work to set humanity free is featured in the international best-seller "Clear Your Past and Change Your Future".

She works closely with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and clear their hidden challenges with money, relationships, career, business, health and well being. Her work includes removing negative memories, emotions, beliefs, past lives, property, travel, darkness, curses, and karma.

For a free report to enhance your life and help you soar and succeed with more ease, go here.

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