Going to a networking event for me was not unusual but one particular day that I went I got a headache which was quite unusual. I couldn’t seem to shake it. Usually the only time I get a headache is during a spiritual healing client session when I become an empath and pick up energies from a client to clear them. I also quite easily get rid of headaches for clients. But, on this occasion I couldn’t seem to shake it.

I returned back to my office after our lunch event and went to my desk immediately to begin work again. I immediately smelled an unusual floral scent. That is a clue to me that someone from the other side is present. Scents are often used as a way to notice their presence but it isn’t usual for me to smell something when they appear.  But, it caused me to tune in at that time.

Lakshmi introduced herself to me stating she was there to assist me. She mentioned that she was there to clear my space which was why they needed me to leave. This was the message I channeled from her that day:

Whenever you think of me, you invoke powers beyond belief. I can help you in so many ways it is beyond belief.

I am here to help you in your struggle. You are trying to manage your time more effectively. That is not the answer. You use your time just fine. What you need to know is how to use your time in the best endeavor possible. You need not scurry this way and that.

All you need do is ask and it shall be given/provided to you in the most magnificent way.

The time has come for you to do things differently. To do things in a new way using a new method; a new method you will teach as time goes on.

Believe me – this will surprise many in its simplicity – even you.

Now do this:

The day begins and you want to know what to do with it and how to spend it.

Ask first and foremost and we will provide the answer.

First, you are not doing anything wrong, but there’s a new way to do things on this new planet; in this new universe.

First and foremost be true to yourself and true to your purpose.

You were not at lunch today for the reasons you thought. There was another reason you were there and that’s why you had the headache.

A readjustment occurred in your absence. We were readjusting your environment for your return. We were recalibrating.

While gone, you felt intense pain as a reflection of the changes we were making as you are connected to the energy here.

What we now need do is recalibrate you to match this intensity so all will flow according to plan and in the right vibration. You will see a difference; a marked difference.

No one will tell; your experience, however, will be profoundly different (and improved).

Do this now so you can continue with your work and your day. Wait and you will continue to feel “off” as you say.

I am here with you to guide you and protect you.

Together we will make magic.

She asked me to lay down so she could recalibrate me. This has become a pattern. Someone from Heaven offers to do a healing on me and they show up and ask me to lay down and they do whatever they are guided to in that moment. Today it was Lakshmi.

I wasn’t familiar with her, however, so after she left I looked her up in a books I had on angels and ascended masters and found the description that she came with lotus, which I had never smelled prior to that day. Also, she is about prosperity and clearing space, which is exactly which she had alerted that she was there to help me with that day.

Since then, she has come again and I have been always delighted with her presence and offering to assist.

spiritual coach

Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She is a noted business consultant and spiritual healer with an international clientele, offering personalized guidance and transformative healing remotely via phone, Skype, or Zoom.

Chosen by Archangel Michael, she was asked to channel his book Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life, and partner with him to create a global healing practice. Their collaborative efforts, aimed at setting humanity free, are highlighted in the international best-seller Clear Your Past and Change Your Future.

Joy works with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and release hidden challenges impacting money, relationships, career, business, health, and overall well-being. Her expertise includes clearing negative memories, emotions, limiting beliefs, past-life issues, property imbalances, travel disruptions, curses, darkness, and karmic patterns.

In addition to private sessions, Joy offers a group membership program through SacredCircle.live, where participants can access powerful tools and collective healing to support spiritual growth and personal success.

To receive free guides and support designed to help you soar and succeed with greater ease, visit GiftsfromJoy.com.

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