A colleague and I were working with God on March 20, 2020 and at 1:00 EST on world affairs. God announced this is the official day of the new golden age. All those who are ready, can now ascend to it. There was a beam of new light and we got that we would be bogged down no longer. God mentioned that everyone’s cells need to be cleaned that that would take a long time.


“This is a brand new day and era.” ~ God 


At this time, Siddhartha was seen with the World Mother of the new golden age hold a gold pitcher with golden water flow out providing a golden shield purifying the christ grid around the globe. God said it will take several years for the full effect.

Because God mentioned most people would not understand what this and the new golden age meant, he gave the following explanation: 


 God’s Message:

The new golden age is upon us. We have worked hard for this for millennia. 

You are entering an age, long awaited and planned for by Heaven. This new golden age will bring forth much peace and possibility for all to enjoy in a new way. The Earth has shifted and all will begin to enjoy a life of more ease. As we further transition and ascend into the new golden age, much will be revealed. Right now much alignment must occur.

Much of the darkness has been cleared and released for all to experience a life of more ease with less sabotage. There will be those of you who have to release within countless lifetimes of programming yet holding you back. But, once that is released, you will be able to relax into new possibilities that have long awaited and been planned for you.

Over time no will go hungry. No one will experience lack of any kind except for what remains in their thinking minds. This is largely based on limited thinking and fears that still remain within the subconscious. But, it will be easier than ever to release that which has been hidden within for centuries of time.

 No one need suffer any longer except by their own making and limited beliefs. The world will be more supportive of everyone’s needs.

There will be many adjustments that need to be made in society and the varying cultures to bring forth what is necessary for all to have peace and equal opportunity. No one is to suffer at the hand of another. No one is to be diminished at the hand of another. All must be treasured as children and creations of mine.

I will provide for all equally based on their own belief systems as it is their belief systems that often dictate what they can and will receive from me. I do not deny anyone but their beliefs based on their pasts often do.

What I see for you is a bright future. The sooner you let go of the past and the past way of doing things, the easier it will become for all. The new energies supporting this new golden age make it easier to manifest what you desire. It makes it easier to let go of what isn’t working for you. It is easier to align what is purposeful and appropriate for you. You just need to get out of the way to allow it to happen with ease. You need live in the moment following the guidance of that moment to know what to do next or to know what you need to know at all.

I am with you always. You need tune in and ask me for the answers. Looking outside of yourself for the answers will only diminish your results. If I instruct you to reach out to someone specific, it is because they are ideal for you at that time. You do not need search the internet for answers unless I guide you there. If I do, you can be assured, connecting with the right path, person or page will be easier.

The thinking mind has often brought you separation from me. Aligning with me will bring you great joy and ease. I am the greatest power that exists bar none. I reside within your heart. If you are choosing to go it alone without my help, you are diminishing your results by choice and not of my doing or denial. These are old habits you must begin to break or you will continue to struggle. Life of ease is available to all those who are surrendered to me, the greatest power within you and all that is. Choosing to separate from that only causes you pain and suffering by the act itself rather than my denying you anything or punishing you in anyway. It is always your choice whether to align with me or operate on your own. When aligned with me, I can provide for you in ways that you cannot even imagine. I trust you will learn that lesson quicker than ever before in the fifth dimension reality (5D) environ.

You are no longer sabotaged by the third dimension reality) energies except due to the memories and programming within your mind and the minds of others. The more of you who choose to let those go, the faster all will benefit. For the more those of you choose to align with me, the easier it will be let go of the past that did not serve you in the way you had hoped. It will help you now to create the life you always wished you had.

You can experience much joy and abundance in this new world that awaits your embrace. You need not suffer loss in the way you once did if you accept that life is purposeful according to my plan. All who are meant to be here enjoying this new dynamic have chosen to be here. All those who are not, have chosen not to be here. Once you accept that, it will be easier to enjoy. Have no regret. Begin anew with fresh eyes knowing there are fresh opportunities awaiting you. If you cling to the past and the ways of the past, however, there may be resistance and static in creating from these new energies.

The time has come for all to be set free. It is the time for all to experience peace and the possibilities that await all in this new world order under my regime. There is no darkness running this show as it had in the 3D environ. Old programming may still wreak havoc but it will not stay long as these energies won’t support it. 

There will be resistance letting go of past perspectives and habits. Giving up control to surrender is a new concept for many. But, once achieved, life will become effortless.

The need for control was based on the past need for survival born of fear and lack. That world of limitation has slipped away. Now, it is your turn to let go of the programming associated with it. Cellular memory is key here. It can hold anyone back longer than necessary. Be mindful of that and diligent in releasing it. There are practitioners who can help if necessary. 

I applaud all of you who have worked toward this end goal, but know that this is just the beginning. Much work still needs to be done to bring forth the fullness of what the new golden age can provide. For some of you, this will only begin you stepping into your calling.

Those of you who have worked hard for this, will be rewarded. And, those of you who choose to step up into the work you were meant to do, will also be rewarded. I know what you all do, have done, and are geared for doing. Being chosen is a reward. Stepping into the calling, cements the deal. It will be easier than ever to fulfill your destiny because the sabotage from the past has largely been lifted.

The sabotage will now come from within one’s thinking rather than outside forces. Darkness had much of a hand in your undermining, persecution, and blocks of the past. Now, it is the mindset within the self and others that needs to be released for more ease and effortless success. Take heed here that this part could take time and the time it will take depends on each and everyone of you. Focus on doing your part and you will find more ease sooner than later.

Welcome to the new golden age.

spiritual coach

Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She is a noted business consultant and spiritual healer with an international clientele, offering personalized guidance and transformative healing remotely via phone, Skype, or Zoom.

Chosen by Archangel Michael, she was asked to channel his book Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life, and partner with him to create a global healing practice. Their collaborative efforts, aimed at setting humanity free, are highlighted in the international best-seller Clear Your Past and Change Your Future.

Joy works with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and release hidden challenges impacting money, relationships, career, business, health, and overall well-being. Her expertise includes clearing negative memories, emotions, limiting beliefs, past-life issues, property imbalances, travel disruptions, curses, darkness, and karmic patterns.

In addition to private sessions, Joy offers a group membership program through SacredCircle.live, where participants can access powerful tools and collective healing to support spiritual growth and personal success.

To receive free guides and support designed to help you soar and succeed with greater ease, visit GiftsfromJoy.com.

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