
When you blame another, you are pointing out an error within you. You are bringing attention to something that is within you that needs addressing and releasing. Should you decide to continue to blame another, you will not only carry the problem within, but you will...

Cause of War

The concern of war must start within. Release all tendencies to blame. When you blame another, you do not take responsibility. It is not necessarily the other guy’s fault for war or any of your problems, for that matter. That is the illusion. The illusion is there are...


Blaming your circumstances on another causes you to stay stuck in them. By allowing yourself to recognize and take responsibility for the circumstances at hand, you have the power for change. You can change the circumstances in an instant by taking 100% responsibility...


Blame is a bad thing. When you blame, you are not taking responsibility for your own actions and your own participation in the experience.   Nothing in life happens by accident. When we blame another, a circumstance, a situation, we are looking outside of ourselves....

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