Prior to an interview I was giving on Sacred Stories Tele-summit, I was given this channeled message from God on the darkness within media and how the possibilities of heaven on earth exist for you here now. The message from God: “Within me lies many mansions....
The world is changing. It is coming to a close as to how it was run in the past. All areas of life and business will improve over time. The key here is to remember it will take time. We have come a long way and farther than you can ever imagine. You won’t wait long...
During a spiritual healing session working on money issues with a client, I was led to the Federal Reserve. Before proceeding, I need elaborate on some background. Everything has a soul including inanimate objects and divine intelligence because all existence is one...
Blaming your circumstances on another causes you to stay stuck in them. By allowing yourself to recognize and take responsibility for the circumstances at hand, you have the power for change. You can change the circumstances in an instant by taking 100% responsibility...
This was a comment made from Archangel Michael: “Time is of the essence as many earth changes are eminent. The more people raise their consciousness, the more they will be unaffected by these earth changes. That is all for today.” Joy S. Pedersen,...