When it comes to money, many people look at money as the solution. They believe that if they had more money life would be different or if something else changed outside of themselves, life would be different. They don’t realize that the cause of their lack of money...
Money is one of the most common subjects people raise when reaching out to me for a clearing. Money issues are common because there are so many variables contributing to them. It isn’t always about clearing with money itself. Clearing with money specifically is...
Greed has come back to effect people in a way they may not even recognize it. Greed is an insidious behavior and thought process that has been troubling people for a long time. So long now, that many don’t even recognize where and how it started but it’s lingering...
What is the significance of money? To many it is the representation of how important you are in the world. It states to the world how successful you are and makes others value you more if you have a lot of money. It is a representation of status, importance, power and...
So many of you strive today for financial freedom but are a slave to creating it. Is there freedom in that? Financial freedom is not an oxymoron. Freedom is freedom, financial or otherwise. When you are financially free, you attract and have the finances necessary for...