Play for Money

Play for Money

People often put work first thinking they have to work hard in order to make money. It is actually the opposite. You can create more money by playing than anything else. When you play, you raise your vibration. When you raise your vibration, you attract more money....
God To Fill Your Needs

God To Fill Your Needs

Money is prevalent in everyone’s mind because they think that is what is necessary more than anything else in life to survive. It is not. God is. God is the be all, end all in everything. When you think money is most important, you diminish what is. God is the most...
Money and Children

Money and Children

What do you teach children about money? Do you teach children that if you work hard you will earn money? If you do a certain job, you will make a lot of money? Are you teaching your children to sacrifice themselves to make money? Are you teaching your children to not...
Issues of Money

Issues of Money

I keep bringing up money issues because you do. You are more wrapped up in money issues now than ever before. You need not be because the Source of all your supply has never run dry, never been depleted and has all that you desire and deserve available to you. You...
More On Money Issues

More On Money Issues

I keep bringing up money issues because you do. You are more wrapped up in money issues now than ever before. You need not be because the Source of all your supply has never run dry, never been depleted and has all that you desire and deserve available to you. You...

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