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Sacred Stories Telesummit Interview – February 1, 2016
Self Worth
Many of the religious teachings in the past have separated you and others from the belief and knowing that you are just as connected to the divine source from within. You and each and everyone of you are connected to the divine source and all that is and all that is potentially existent. The possibility for each and everyone of you exist from your own connection to your divine source. There is no… More…
Many people who have been gifted in other lifetimes have experienced much trauma betrayal and persecution. Their lives and their gifts snuffed in order to protect the darkness that permeated these lands for eons of time. Those gifted ones came through on a number of occasions in order to help. Help mankind shift into a lighter and more aware consciousness. However those… More…
Mankind has not been set; mankind has not been free for very long time. There are those that would prefer all humanity to be within their control. You have been a victim of their control. Their efforts to minimize the possibilities that exists for those of the light to empower and impact mankind. Your efforts to free yourself will help free all. From their attachments to those that have… More…
When you become stubborn as to this is the way it is. And this is way it’s always been. You miss the blessing of the moment. Each and every moment may have a unique gift. And in those moments if you are stuck in the past believing that this is the way it is or this is the way it should be because it’s the way it always has been. You will miss what’s possible in that moment… More…
Council of Wealth on Money
Of addressing money. Money this day has been set free for all to enjoy and appreciate as appropriate to their highest and best good. As money was created as a tool for all to benefit unfortunately up until now money has been controlled, manipulated and those who needed the most have been denied those needs being fulfilled because of the control of others. Those that have been controlling money have been disempowered… More…
Car Purchase
So what you end up doing and looking for a car is you go outside of yourself and you get sold by a salesman who is using all the intellectual techniques. Sells you the car that’s not really for your highest and best good because his purpose and intention is to sell you a car. Then you buy a car that turns out to be lemon because it’s really not for your highest… More…
We keep stressing the idea of choice the idea of making a choice. It’s so crucial right now to make that choice because in that choosing you are determining the faith of your future as well as the future of the planet. It is time for this planet to take its rightful place in the universe and fulfill its divine purpose. Choices have inhibited earth… More…
Job Search
So anytime you want something if you go within the answer to that will be there. So instead of like looking for a job, you’re looking in the paper, or you just thought of networking, or are you doing the usual steps that mankind may have listed in how to find the job book. You instead align with the divine within and when you are aligned… More…
When we can’t forgive ourselves we can’t forgive someone else. And when we can’t forgive someone else we can’t forgive ourselves because we are all one and connected at source. There is a disconnect between the ability to forgive. When we are separate from ourselves, we don’t even feel like we can forgive ourselves because we are separate. When we are separate, we can’t… More…
Federal Reserve
This is from the subconscious of the Federal Reserve. The codes of money that have been embedded in the money itself, paper money specifically have been clouded by the illuminate to serve their needs and their needs only. Only those connected with illuminate have access to the codes of money on money. This is why people who have those connections to the… More…
Head Versus Heart
From the beginning of time you have been thinking. It’s an old habit. Old habits die hard. Reintroducing you to a new reality for you at this time is a bit of a challenge because you have been so used to living in your head for so long. Thinking is the way you are. Thinking is what you do and thinking is what you got into trouble with in the first place. It was thinking that… More…
Mrs. Quanah Veer. I watched you and I am concerned for you because I know how much you want love. Love is important. It is something we all deserve and it’s something you in particular deserve as well as can have. It is not beyond your reach. What is getting in the way however is your perception of self and your perception of self and relationships. This is not… More…
You have come together at this time for a specific reason. The reason is to clear up the past that is for sure. You did some significant work last week in clearing martyrdom which has played mankind for eternity. It has been the undoing of not only this planet but those of you who have engaged in martyrdom it has caused you and other so much karma you wouldn’t believe. Martyrdom is… More…
Eternal Compass
Each one of us have embedded within us a compass it’s the eternal compass. It is the compass that sets us down our divine path gives us our inner knowing of right and wrong, good and bad. It is that compass when it’s align with the divine that knows our true path, true calling. It is attached to the inner knowing and when we are aligned with the divine that compass will show us and lead us down the divine path for our highest in best good. And by following that divine compass all will be in divine order all of the time… More…
Overview Channeling
We are coming together at this time to share messages for your benefit and your benefit only. We want you to understand the dynamics presented before you at this time. At this time it is crucial for you to understand the dynamics presented to you to make your choices more effective with greater understanding of the dynamics that exist today. Many of you up until this point have not understood who you are. How you’re connected. And what your place in the world is in relationship to the world itself. The purpose of this channeling is to understand who you are in relationship to who you are in the world… More…
Confinement, Imprisonment and Freedom
Mankind has not been set, mankind has not been free for very long time. There are those that would prefer all humanity to be within their control. You have been a victim of their control. Their efforts to minimize the possibilities that exist for those of the light to empower and impact mankind. Your efforts to free yourself will help free all from their attachments to those that have been in power and control. That have used that power and control to limit, restrict, confine those that could be of service to God and of the light. You are among… More…