

We live out of our memories or we are inspired. Most of the time, however, we are living out of our memories. Many of those memories are unconscious and from our past lives. Frequently, therefore, we are living our lives today based on experiences that occurred to us...
Struggling For Sales

Struggling For Sales

When someone is struggling for sales, all they need do is look within to see what is going on within that is causing the situation and release it. Yesterday a gentleman had inertia when going to make sales calls and then didn’t make the necessary calls. After doing a...
Clear Before An Operation

Clear Before An Operation

A colleague’s husband was having an operation today so I gifted them a clearing to help improve the results of the experience. I cleared the operating room of entities, and negative energy left from previous operations. This included spirits that remained in the room....
The Dynamics of Clearing

The Dynamics of Clearing

When I work with someone on a particular topic such as finances, other changes may occur in their lives as well. The issues, past life experiences and karma that contribute to one area having a problem, can impact another area when cleared. Even when I work with...
Past Life Feelings

Past Life Feelings

When working with clients, I bring up feelings that they had during past lives. Inevitably they tell me that they have the same feelings this lifetime. When they let go of the origin of those feelings from those previous lifetimes, they find they don’t necessarily...

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