I am amazed this is the 5th anniversary as World Mother. Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. It has not been an easy journey but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. What a ride! When considering the position of World Mother, I was told there was no...
Are you giving God a hard time? How open are you to allowing God to work through you to help yourself and others? How often do you ask God if what you want to do is for the highest and best before taking action? Much of the struggle is going on today because we...
I have found it extremely easy to focus on expectations. Many of them are yours, but many are what the culture and society dictate. Are you in tune with your essence and what you prefer? Or, are you living out of obligation? It is very easy to get caught up in...
In preparing for the first Saturday of the month group clearing call, I researched what we cleared last year at the turn of the year. Our special topic for the group call is to release the previous year of all unresolved and unhealed issues and clear for the new year...
This message from God came this morning addressing life, choice and circumstances today: The veil is lifting for more to see beyond the illusion from within which they have operated their entire lives. People are waking up daily discovering life isn’t what they once...
I wasn’t educated on the inner family until I started studying spiritual healing. The inner family includes the conscious mind, but also the superconscious mind or high self, as well as the inner child or subconscious mind. I want to focus on the high self for...