Freedom Comes From Within

Freedom Comes From Within

Freedom comes from within not from without. You have freedom here in the United States that not everyone enjoys but why do you suppose you were born in this country? Those that were born in this country or immigrated to this country have freedom within them in some...


Freedom reigns in this country as long as you believe and fight for freedom. I don’t mean fight in the world such as war as often has been the method of the past. Times have changed. There is no reason to fight for freedom any longer as freedom comes from within your...
The War Within

The War Within

The time has come for everyone to lay down their swords and be at peace. There is no time like the present. No one has to wait for peace on earth. They have to choose peace on earth. If you choose peace on earth, you give up the fight. If you want war to continue, you...
Beginning of a New Age

Beginning of a New Age

This is the beginning of a new age. The time has come for all mankind to obtain a new perspective on life and how to live it. There is no more room for error. It is time to get straight with the world. We have come together to help support this endeavor. The time has...


What is freedom to you, you ask. Well, from my perspective it is how we live on a daily basis. You choose freedom in your thoughts and actions or you do not. Freedom is a way of being, of coming from choice, of creating your life as YOU see fit and not adhering to the...

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