During our monthly group healing, clearing and training calls, we usually hear from God for our training. But God asked for an additional message from Mother Mary for all for this holiday season. Since our call has a variety of individuals who come from different...
When considering writing my newsletter today, God said he wanted to be the one to share a message. This is the guidance that came from the Divine Creator which includes an important invitation and instruction for all to benefit all: You all are on the brink of great...
For many years, my cosmic call has been Source, and Archangel Michael working through me as a spiritual healer to clear darkness and rebalance errors made throughout our history. It has been a long and arduous project returning fallen angels, demons, and other dark...
Today, March 30, 2022, marks the 9th anniversary of the opening of Heaven on Earth. Heaven on Earth is the location in consciousness where you can ascend to experience more love, joy, peace, freedom, balance, and abundance with greater ease. While remaining in the...
I have found it extremely easy to focus on expectations. Many of them are yours, but many are what the culture and society dictate. Are you in tune with your essence and what you prefer? Or, are you living out of obligation? It is very easy to get caught up in...
In preparing for the first Saturday of the month group clearing call, I researched what we cleared last year at the turn of the year. Our special topic for the group call is to release the previous year of all unresolved and unhealed issues and clear for the new year...