It is 2012 and Time is Accelerating

It is 2012 and Time is Accelerating

We are now in 2012. Time is accelerating. People are concerned with how fast time is moving and how quickly the end of the world as we know it is approaching. What does that mean, however? Many are frightened the world will end. It will not. But it will not continue...
Letting Go of Sorrow

Letting Go of Sorrow

In working with a client today, I determined that sorrow was an important subject to clear. Initially, I did a global clearing of the connection to and impact of sorrow from the beginning of time forward. I was shown the entire thread and a vision of something similar...
Fear of Flying

Fear of Flying

As we can work on children through their parents, a father was concerned about his daughter’s fear of flying. During the session, I saw she was in an accident when flying in another life. By eliminating the previous memory, the subconscious doesn’t replay that memory...

Expressing Gratitude

Giving thanks is one of the most important behaviors you can employ. By giving thanks, it means you are in acceptance of blessings. There are many blessings you are given but you don’t fully receive them unless you are truly grateful.  Being grateful is like the...

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