What Matters Most

What Matters Most

This was a message that was delivered especially for the audience of an internet radio show called “What Matters Most”. The message was channeled prior to the show and included here because it is useful to all. I am including the link to the show as well...


People are dealing with problems on a daily basis. I come to say this to you. You don’t have to deal with them if you choose to rise above them. Problems provide lessons. There are certainly plenty circumstances in life, but if you look at them as problems, that is a...
Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde has become a crutch for many to not take personal responsibility for the outcome of their own lives. It has an effect but not as dramatic as everyone thinks. They can rise above it if they raise their vibration sufficiently enough. Taking conscious...
What Is Weighing You Down?

What Is Weighing You Down?

You look at the economy. You look at the other guy. You look at your boss. You look at everything around you, but you rarely look at yourself. What is weighing you down? It is your past. It is your memory of the past. It is the replay of those memories that is keeping...
Do You Want Peace?

Do You Want Peace?

Do you want peace? How much do you want peace? Where do you begin? Begin within. Work on yourself and yourself alone and you will have peace. When you become peaceful, there is more peace in the world. When you set an example of peace, you teach others peace. Peace...

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