Peace Be With You

Peace Be With You

You are a troubled nation. You are a troubled planet. We are with you now guiding you forth through these troubled waters helping you navigate your path and your future. We are here at this time to help you transition to heaven on earth. Those that will be chosen to...


What is stirring all the turmoil today? Why are so many of you troubled about one thing or another? Well, let’s start with you. Your “stuff” is coming up. What is being stirred is all the dis-ease within you. Your karma, your past life memories, negative memories that...
The Messiah

The Messiah

The Messiah has come and gone. What is left behind is the soul’s purpose to enlighten and enliven. All who are here at this time are given a divine purpose to choose God or not. The Messiah is within to awaken the individual to their true self. What I say to you now...
Soulful Listening

Soulful Listening

When you listen from your soul rather than from your intellect, you hear what is imperative for your soul growth and evolvement. When you hear out of the intellect, you gather evidence to support the cause of your ego. Which do you value more? If you wish to evolve...

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