Money Issues

Money Issues

The struggle for money abounds these days but it is not the economy at fault. It is the beliefs that the person carries about money that is impacting the situation. If you change your beliefs about money and its ease of acquisition, you will not be burdened by the...
Money Makers

Money Makers

People are striving today to find the real money makers. They are searching the internet, asking their friends, running around this way and that trying to find the next money maker. Stop! Tune in. Listen. The real money maker is within. Your higher self, your source,...
Control Over Money

Control Over Money

When it comes to control over money, the effort in control alone, will restrict money. Be responsible over money. Be a good steward but don’t try to control it. Any time you try to control anything, you force it down, make it small and condensed and it does not expand...
Stress Over Money

Stress Over Money

When it comes to money, people stress over thinking there is never enough. There is more than enough if people allowed it to be such. It is the thoughts about money that are restricting it’s flow. Those of you that hold onto money in fear that if you let it go it will...
Money is Pointless

Money is Pointless

 Money is for all things a pointless form of transaction if you don’t value it.    Michael, the Archangel   Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction...

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