A few years ago I saw the instability of the planet and checked with God who responded that the dense energies in 3D (Third Dimension) could cause it to implode. Because 5D was still wobbly due to people not having enough faith in it yet, the Fifth Dimension was also...
Archangel Michael wanted to add his comments on the subject of storms we are experiencing to the message Archangel Faith shared on spiritual weather report: There are many nuances to storms such as these. Are they created by God intentionally? No, not really. But,...
Obviously many have been unnerved as well as are affected by the current storms. Archangel Faith shared with me a spiritual weather report: I can see the alarm, fear and concern regarding the predicted storms, as well as from the aftermath of the last one named...
Thoughts are so powerful they can affect the weather. Weather conditions may be changed by clearing the accumulated thoughts contributing to the storms. Storms and the damaging effects of a storm can be lessened by cleaning up the thoughts within us that are...
When it rains, it is often preparing people for a transition. It allows people to soothe their way into another dimension and evolve of their own accord in a gentle manner. When it downpours, however, it is often a way of cleansing and at other times it is a reaction...