Keep steadfast in your dreams and going in the direction of your heart’s desire. Your heart’s desire is the indicator of that which you are intended to do and most good at doing. Do not be swayed by income as it is irrelevant to your heart’s desire. You will be provided for in ways known and unknown but it is not necessary to make your choices based on money alone.

It is imperative that people begin to follow their song. What makes them sing? What is truly the thing that makes them happy? If more people did what they were truly called to do, the world would be in a much better place. There would be less resistance. With less resistance there would be less struggle. Those who struggle are usually struggling with doing things that are not part of their calling. Yes, there may be aspects of a position that are less pleasant than others but overall there are things that everyone is meant to do that is truly their calling, what they were mean to do this lifetime. There is a reason they were meant to do it. There is a lesson in it. There is a contribution to be made through it. There is nothing not intended without a true purpose behind it; as far as the universe is concerned that is.

We are here to guide you and protect you on your path. If you stay on the path intended for you, it will be an easier go for all of us concerned. You resist our help (although you ask for it often). You ask for help daily and sometimes moment by moment, in frustration mostly. You come to us in your angst but you resist our guidance as a whole. How do we guide you? We guide you with whispers, with inspiration and with pictures. We can show you the way most clearly but you resist us every step of way sometimes.

Why do you resist us? Not because you don’t trust us but because you don’t know us. We are you in disguise. We come through you to guide you but you don’t trust your inner knowing and your inner guidance. We are among you all now at this time trying to help you every step of the way but the resistance is strong; oh so strong. May I help you on this journey? May we all help you on this journey? We are here to help if only you allow our help. Stop resisting that inner calling. Stop resisting that whisper, that inspiration, that calling that draws you somewhere some time. Follow it. Follow your heart for we are within your heart. We are there to make you whole and complete this lifetime with as little resistance and struggle as possible if you allow it. Be there for us and we are there for you.

Michael, the Archangel

spiritual coach

Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. A noted business consultant and networker with a celebrated international clientele with whom she works remotely by phone, Skype, or Zoom.

Archangel Michael asked her to channel his book, Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life and join him in a healing practice. Their global healing work to set humanity free is featured in the international best-seller "Clear Your Past and Change Your Future".

She works closely with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and clear their hidden challenges with money, relationships, career, business, health and well being. Her work includes removing negative memories, emotions, beliefs, past lives, property, travel, darkness, curses, and karma.

For a free report to enhance your life and help you soar and succeed with more ease, go here.

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