This message from Mother Mary was first delivered to our Sacred Circle for our monthly group clearing call and training. We always have a special topic during our first Saturday of the month sessions. In honor of Mother’s Day, we cleared mothers, motherhood, and the mother’s lineage. Some of our challenges come from our ancestors through our DNA. So, each month, we take a different subject to add specific attention and dive deeper into it. Each month, we also have Source, the archangels and ascended masters’ assistance, and the participants’ guides, teams, and family, relatives, and ancestors from Heaven. Mother Mary is always present, but in the session, when focusing on mothers and motherhood, Mother Mary commented:


Many of you have been mothers, daughters, fathers, and sons.

My heart and love goes out to each one of you. You have traversed many hills and valleys no matter your role. You are here because you chose to be here. But it hasn’t always been easy, I know. I have watched you struggle, fall, get up, and soar from afar, only to do it again in the same lifetime or within others. It is all purposeful. It is all timely. It is all necessary for your growth and of your choosing.

You have picked your battles. You have picked your mothers. Yes, even Jesus picked me. How lucky I was to have had such a blessed son who led a purposeful and impactful life. He was wanted by many for treason, however, and that caused much suffering. Watching your son die is not easy for anyone, but I know what that led to and has shown so many – the power of life everlasting.

That life he led continues to this day. He continues to live on, as do I and all your mothers who have passed. You, too, live on and exist in the hereafter from those lifetimes you have spent as mothers and others. For, there is no death; not really. You may leave your body behind, but your spirit lives on. It never dies. You were created with much purpose in mind. You are here for a reason. Enjoy the ride.

Live each day as if it were your last. Not because it is your last day but because life is truly eternal. But, live each day as if it were your last because each day matters. Each day is like a life of its own. You bring into each day the qualities of perfection you prefer. You decide how your day should look and feel. Step into your power to express your power to make a difference this day and this minute.

You need not suffer unless suffering is of your choosing. Your perspective is what matters most here. It is not the circumstances but your perspective. Your perspective is what colors your day as well as your world. If you want a world of peace, choose peace as the way you approach your day. Approach all days from a place of peace, and you will have a peaceful life. You need not worry about the rest of the world in that case. You will have attained your desired outcome. But, should you want more peace in the world, that is what you will be contributing to it to help make it so. So, live in peace.

Teach your children peace. Teach everyone peace by setting an example of what that looks and feels like. If you can demonstrate peace to others, you can teach others a new way to live. If you come from a place of feeling burdened, then you teach what feeling and being burdened looks like. Your children follow in your footsteps by what you demonstrate more than you speak. You can tell them to quiet down and find that place of peace, or you can establish a peaceful environment and outlook by how you live. That is what they will emulate. If your children demonstrate peace in the world, they will also add more peace to the world and be an example to others. Their friends and colleagues will then see a good example of peace and be inspired to act upon the strengths and attributes that bring peace.

What brings peace? Love. Acceptance. Freedom. Forgiveness. These are all qualities you can exercise and express in every moment. You have many more freedoms than you exercise. You have given up your will often to others as well as circumstances allowing your freedoms to be diminished. But true freedom comes from within. The freedom to love, to live in peace, to forgive and accept life and all that it brings allows room for you to express and experience these qualities freely as an example to all who witness your life in the moment they interact with you.

So, be who you want to be in the world. Express who you are to the world. Be an example to the world of peace and love, and be all of whom you came here to be.

Be of love. Express that love to your mother, to your daughters, to your parents, to your children, to your neighbors.

Do not sit in judgment of others and their frailties. Be an example of acceptance and guide through example. Be like my son and come from love no matter who was his enemy. That was the example he was to me. He taught me much as much as I often resisted his role and wanted to have him play it safe.

You have no idea how often I asked him to bite his tongue and resist speaking out when the times were so turbulent. I, as his mother, wanted him to play it safe. No matter how much I was convinced of his true nature and purpose, I didn’t want him to stick his neck out. He was my son, after all. As any mother would do, you want to protect your children no matter how old they are. He was a good boy and a loyal son with a great purpose. From my limited perspective, what great things would have been accomplished from speaking his truth in the face of danger? What a difference he made, indeed!

But how many of you have children of equal value and purpose? Your children’s roles may differ from his and thank God they won’t have to go through what he did to accomplish what he came here to accomplish. And, thank God you won’t have to watch your child suffer as he was crucified on a cross, which was common at that time. But how many of you hold your children back out of your fear? Fear that your child will be harmed.

What is your child here to do and learn, and who will they be? Only they and God know. Everyone knows on some level why they are here. God certainly does. He was part of the mix in their creation, remember? Nothing is by accident. So, honor that. Honor their need to grow, explore, learn, fall, get up, and express themselves as purposeful to them. Let them shine on their merit. Let them be. Let them live. Don’t try and hold them back. Nor try and force them forward. Let them falter. Be there for them when they fall. Support them, but don’t enable them. Let them fall, soar independently, and see what they are truly made of – the source within. The source within will never fail them. But, let them find out for themselves who they carry within. The power and strength of God is within each child. They are as connected to the source within as you are. Exercise that connection and relationship to the heights available and truly soar.

It is my blessing to be with you this day in honor of all mothers.

I bring you peace
Mother Mary

For those who wish to have a community of spiritually awakening and ascending individuals clearing their past to change the future, you can learn more and register here. We always have a teaching from Source and/or an archangel or ascended master to help you navigate the current terrain. In June, besides other topics, we will have a special focus on fathers, fatherhood, and father’s lineage.

spiritual coach

Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She is a noted business consultant and spiritual healer with an international clientele, offering personalized guidance and transformative healing remotely via phone, Skype, or Zoom.

Chosen by Archangel Michael, she was asked to channel his book Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life, and partner with him to create a global healing practice. Their collaborative efforts, aimed at setting humanity free, are highlighted in the international best-seller Clear Your Past and Change Your Future.

Joy works with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and release hidden challenges impacting money, relationships, career, business, health, and overall well-being. Her expertise includes clearing negative memories, emotions, limiting beliefs, past-life issues, property imbalances, travel disruptions, curses, darkness, and karmic patterns.

In addition to private sessions, Joy offers a group membership program through, where participants can access powerful tools and collective healing to support spiritual growth and personal success.

To receive free guides and support designed to help you soar and succeed with greater ease, visit

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