Interview with Henry the VIII

Heaven doesn’t have the same restrictions of time and space we experience here on Earth so you can connect and communicate with anyone who exists there. Knowing of a history teacher’s interest in Henry VIII I invited Henry VIII to provide a present-day...
Woman Stops Hitting Her Children

Woman Stops Hitting Her Children

A woman came to me a couple of months ago for spiritual healing with the desire to have a better handle on her reactions to her children. She loved her children very much, but certain things triggered her to hit them. She shared with me today’s session that she...
It is 2012 and Time is Accelerating

It is 2012 and Time is Accelerating

We are now in 2012. Time is accelerating. People are concerned with how fast time is moving and how quickly the end of the world as we know it is approaching. What does that mean, however? Many are frightened the world will end. It will not. But it will not continue...
I Made My Ascension

I Made My Ascension

Since the gates of heaven are now open to us, I was committed to crossing through them. On March 21 I chose to do a karmic clearing with any blocks that I had to ascending. After doing a clearing, I saw a vision of something similar to armor and gray matter fall away...

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