A year ago June Archangel Michael told me I had to get over my hatred of humanity. It was rather a shock to hear but upon reflection I realized he was right. This is the time of ascension. There is so much that is positive right now but with the calling to clear...
The fears that abide in your world are old – ancient actually. They have been carried over lifetime after lifetime. Needless worry abounds within your daily existence. The fear of illness, money issues, something going wrong, etc. are all common thought and...
The following is a channel message from Archangel Michael explaining his announcement that the Fifth Dimension is here: What does the Fifth Dimension mean and that it is here? What I want to explain to you is what just happened Sunday, August 4, 2013, noon EST. At...
I have many enemies. Countless I might add. It is amazing considering they are in my heart and yet they judge me, blame me, make me wrong for all their issues and problems. No one would have an issue or problem if they were connected and bound to me. I bring forth...
The time has come for all mankind to adhere to these dictates. It is time for all mankind to lay down their swords and live in peace. It is time for peace to reign supreme in these lands of yours. It is time that fear be set aside and that peace live in your hearts...