Living Joy

Living Joy

Are you living in a state of joy? It is something you can experience much easier in 5D. That is because you vibrate high to make it into 5D. The state of joy is actually a higher vibration than love is. Many are blocked in giving and receiving love in some way which...

Play for Money

People often put work first thinking they have to work hard in order to make money. It is actually the opposite. You can create more money by playing than anything else. When you play, you raise your vibration. When you raise your vibration, you attract more money....

Play Powerfully

At the beginning of time some things were set down that are now occurring today. Today is different, however, than what was anticipated at the time. Time changes things. Man changes things. You have the opportunity to change things. You are more powerful than you...
Let Children Be

Let Children Be

Children need to play. They are tired of being directed all the time. They need to relax and experience joy in their lives. They are under a lot of pressure to perform these days. They are struggling to keep up with the joneses even at a young age. They need to be...

Play is Underrated

Play is underrated. Society today seems to relish work, work, work thinking that is the answer to their needs being met. It is not. It has it’s place but it is way out of balance in this society today. Play has been underrated now for a long time here in the US. You...

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