Remember Your Calling

Remember Your Calling

  During our last group healing and training call, God came through with the following message inviting participants to remember their calling. Since it is an important message to all, I am choosing to share it with all.     God’s invitation to you to...
Are you giving God a hard time?

Are you giving God a hard time?

Are you giving God a hard time? How open are you to allowing God to work through you to help yourself and others? How often do you ask God if what you want to do is for the highest and best before taking action? Much of the struggle is going on today because we...

The Messiah

The Messiah has come and gone. What is left behind is the soul’s purpose to enlighten and enliven. All who are here at this time are given a divine purpose to choose God or not. The Messiah is within to awaken the individual to their true self. What I say to you now...

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