During our monthly group healing, clearing and training calls, we usually hear from God for our training. But God asked for an additional message from Mother Mary for all for this holiday season. Since our call has a variety of individuals who come from different religious backgrounds, she addressed all. I am sharing it here because other than she was addressing the participants of our Sacred Circle, it applies to you also. I usually provide their messages to the participants only and not in this blog, but shared the training from Source in the blog also, which you can access here

Mother Mary:

Dear Ones,

You are among our focus. We hold you dear within our hearts and minds, always trying to help and assist where and how we can.

I am always on these calls regardless of what you hear from me.

You would be amazed at the support you receive from those of us in Heaven, not only on these calls but regularly.

The point I want to remind you of is to contact us when needed. If you have a challenge, ask for assistance. You can reach out to any of us, regardless of religious affiliation. We are there for you.

God will give us assignments based on your needs as well. If you ask God and he feels one of us will assist more personally, he may send those with specialties in the arena to seek help. You can also ask each of us directly if you have a request or wish to know something particular from any of us, and we will respond.

The trick is your openness to receiving from us directly. Be open to the information or response as we connect and reach you how we might. For example, the answer may become evident in a song rather than my voice.

But you can always hear me with your heart. Your heart is where the magic is.

And, speaking of magic. This month is magical for many. Regardless of your religious affiliation, there is likely a celebration or tradition for you this month. There was a dictate long ago to ensure everyone had a celebratory opportunity so no one was left out.

As you can imagine, this time is always a big month for me. The birth of my son was a big deal not only for me but for the world. But, even if you don’t celebrate my son’s birth, Jesus is there for you, one and all. He always has been and always will be. That is his nature, assignment, and commitment.

We hope the day comes when he won’t have to be so busy, and the world is more settled, but it will take some time. Be patient. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

In the interim, do your best to celebrate the small things and significant milestones. It is essential to remember your blessings and focus on those as they will lift your spirits and help you attract further good results.

Live from your heart and celebrate life as we are at a crucial turning point in history. Once we hit the bell curve, we can transition more quickly. You are living from a place of joy and peace; the faster that comes for you.

We have much to celebrate worldwide regardless of the terrors you witness. Nothing is as dark as it was in my and my son’s time. The horrors and oppression we experienced then tarnished life daily. The struggle for survival was genuine for the majority versus the few experiencing it now.

Look at these holidays and celebrate our progress in the world and that it is heading in the right direction.

Bring peace to your life by letting go of your unmet expectations and fear of change.

You are blessed and chose to be here now, no matter how arduous it feels or looks.

There is more light on the planet now than in eons. Enjoy it. Celebrate it and bring more of it by aligning with it rather than the fearful agendas and karma surfacing because of the past that has yet to heal. 

Send the gift of love this season to all, but especially take it in yourself. You have no idea how much love our Divine Father has for you. It breaks my heart to see anyone suffer. But, living in blame only perpetuates the problem rather than solve it.

Be at peace knowing that all is as it should and could be, and by choosing the light, it contributes to and brightens the world more than you know.

There’s no need to fear the future, regardless of your circumstances or appearance. It shifts faster than you can blink an eye when you let go.

So, may I leave you in peace and with the love in my heart for each of you? Blessings to you all this day and holiday season.


For those who wish more direct ongoing support from Heaven, join us in our Sacred Circle for healing, clearing and training from above. You can find details here. 

spiritual coach

Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She is a noted business consultant and spiritual healer with an international clientele, offering personalized guidance and transformative healing remotely via phone, Skype, or Zoom.

Chosen by Archangel Michael, she was asked to channel his book Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life, and partner with him to create a global healing practice. Their collaborative efforts, aimed at setting humanity free, are highlighted in the international best-seller Clear Your Past and Change Your Future.

Joy works with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and release hidden challenges impacting money, relationships, career, business, health, and overall well-being. Her expertise includes clearing negative memories, emotions, limiting beliefs, past-life issues, property imbalances, travel disruptions, curses, darkness, and karmic patterns.

In addition to private sessions, Joy offers a group membership program through SacredCircle.live, where participants can access powerful tools and collective healing to support spiritual growth and personal success.

To receive free guides and support designed to help you soar and succeed with greater ease, visit GiftsfromJoy.com.

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