This is a piece by Archangel Michael explaining the Prince of Darkness:

Who and what is the Prince of Darkness? It has been a long time in coming, and now we can reveal the truth of this being that has been my nemesis from the beginning of time. Each one of us has a light and a dark. I am the warrior of light. He is the warrior of the dark. This battle between us has gone on for as long as I can remember. It preceded time as you know it or consider from the period of the fallen angels. It preceded that by millennia. It is the truth of nature. All have dark; all have light. Not all dark is terrible; not all light is good. You see, there are variations to all and extremes to all.

This individual reflects the extreme. This darkness represents the extreme in us. You and me. The world. The all. The polarity. There is always a balance between the negative and the positive, which means neutrality – peace – no friction. All need to be always in balance. When too much energy pressurizes either side, there is imbalance and no longer any neutrality. This battle between him and I started long before Satan and Lucifer got into the mix.

There was a time when peace prevailed between us all. This nemesis and I began to battle over who was right and wrong long before Satan and Lucifer had their issues with God. If this nemesis of mine did not exist to influence them, nothing would have gone as terribly wrong as had ensued subsequently.

The darkness represented nothingness. The light represented All. All came out of nothingness. The idea of all or nothing came from here originally. Judgment appeared as to which was better, that which was creating, or that which had been created. Before or after. The thought or the end result. There were determining factors that evolved that began to take shape in the representation of all or nothing. At this time, I took shape and became created as the protector of the All, the light. The Prince of darkness was developed to protect nothingness and the idea of all that could ever be. This is where the term ‘Powers that Be’ came from. They stood for whatever could be. Ego was born of what could be and deciding whether one had more value than the other. These energies became passive and aggressive representations of all and all that was possible out of nothingness.

~ Archangel Michael

The blog post “Change the World” elaborates on what happened to the Prince of Darkness and the power you have to make a difference in the world.


spiritual coach

Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She is a noted business consultant and spiritual healer with an international clientele, offering personalized guidance and transformative healing remotely via phone, Skype, or Zoom.

Chosen by Archangel Michael, she was asked to channel his book Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life, and partner with him to create a global healing practice. Their collaborative efforts, aimed at setting humanity free, are highlighted in the international best-seller Clear Your Past and Change Your Future.

Joy works with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and release hidden challenges impacting money, relationships, career, business, health, and overall well-being. Her expertise includes clearing negative memories, emotions, limiting beliefs, past-life issues, property imbalances, travel disruptions, curses, darkness, and karmic patterns.

In addition to private sessions, Joy offers a group membership program through, where participants can access powerful tools and collective healing to support spiritual growth and personal success.

To receive free guides and support designed to help you soar and succeed with greater ease, visit

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