Today is the anniversary of my becoming World Mother on January 8, 2020, which made me reflect on this journey. My girlfriend called me while I was on vacation in St. Augustine in December of 2019. She brought up the subject of World Mother and that some people were...
I had been thinking about the challenges people seem to have with my authentic identity as an incarnated angel. I was asked by Archangel Michael years ago to formally announce that I was him incarnate. Since that period of time, he left my body and was replaced by his...
Obviously many have been unnerved as well as are affected by the current storms. Archangel Faith shared with me a spiritual weather report: I can see the alarm, fear and concern regarding the predicted storms, as well as from the aftermath of the last one named...
So many are struggling and suffering these days and Archangel Faith came through Joy Pedersen to share this advice on Sunday, July 10, 2016: Dear Ones, There’s no reason to struggle anymore. All answers to all problems lie within. All you need to do is go within. Be...
Many are seeking change in the world. The time for great change is here. It isn’t easy to change the world as a whole. There have been mechanisms and plans in place for aeons all culminating in the now. What is your role? To stay mindful, present, and alert as these...