Are You Going Within For Your Answers?

Are You Going Within For Your Answers?

God came through with this message today: “You have to look within for your answers. Looking outside of yourself will often get you into trouble and aligning with diminished potential. Seeking answers from others who are not connected to me, to gain the highest...
Are You Aligned with God?

Are You Aligned with God?

Are you aligned with God? I heard someone share the other day that the God of the west was a very different perception than what is believed in the eastern philosophies.   As someone who works directly for the Godhead, I may have a very different experience of him...
Christmas Message from Jesus

Christmas Message from Jesus

Now is a time of year that many remember me and do so fondly. I am proud to have been called to give my life for God and to serve you. Now, I would like to invite you to do the same. Many of you have felt called in one way or another but have often stopped yourself...

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