Did You Know Jesus?

Did You Know Jesus?

Today is Palm Sunday, and I remembered a conversation with a woman the other day who was told she lived during the time of Jesus. I wasn’t surprised as many of the people I know lived during that period. Many of us who lived then have chosen to come back to be...
Christmas Message from Jesus

Christmas Message from Jesus

Now is a time of year that many remember me and do so fondly. I am proud to have been called to give my life for God and to serve you. Now, I would like to invite you to do the same. Many of you have felt called in one way or another but have often stopped yourself...
Christmas Message from Jesus

Christmas Message from Jesus

Jesus dictated this Christmas message: I have one thing to say to you and that is thank you to those who celebrate my birth. I am honored and humbled. But, remember this, I am not a representative of a Christian religion. I am a representative of the christ...
Message from God After Clearing

Message from God After Clearing

Upon opening a clearing, I was shown the cross. That caused me to tune into the crucifixion and was shown the lifetime of Jesus and his crucifixion. There was a lifetime as a follower of Jesus that came up with the issue of guilt within the subconscious for not doing...
Message from Jesus on the Holidays

Message from Jesus on the Holidays

Jesus dictated this message with me years ago but it is just as appropriate now as ever. It addresses his birth and Christmas as well as religion and the holidays in general. It is a good message for all no matter what religion or holiday practices and celebrations....

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