Let Go and Love

Let Go and Love

God came through recommending to let go and love.  Here is his recommendation: The struggle with most people is they are resistant to love out of fear. It is not that they don’t want love. It is that they fear love. What I see day in and day out is the yearning...
Preventing the World from Imploding

Preventing the World from Imploding

A few years ago I saw the instability of the planet and checked with God who responded that the dense energies in 3D (Third Dimension) could cause it to implode. Because 5D was still wobbly due to people not having enough faith in it yet, the Fifth Dimension was also...
Do You Want a Solution to Your Problem?

Do You Want a Solution to Your Problem?

Do you want a solution to your problem? I hear and see, especially in social media, so many complaints these days of what people are seeing and experiencing in the world. What you are experiencing right now depends on your state of mind and where your consciousness...
Message from Jesus on the Holidays

Message from Jesus on the Holidays

Jesus dictated this message with me years ago but it is just as appropriate now as ever. It addresses his birth and Christmas as well as religion and the holidays in general. It is a good message for all no matter what religion or holiday practices and celebrations....
Messages from Ashtar

Messages from Ashtar

I received this message from Ashtar 7/12/17: We would like to open up dialogue with your group about us. We are preparing to help you and they need be prepared to receive our help. **************** In sharing this message in my private Facebook group, Help from...

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