This was a channeled message regarding Lucifer. Over the years, I often cleared with him and things he had done. It wasn’t until I met the man who carried his soul in the physical this lifetime in the Fall of 2012, however, that I was able to clear a curse he had placed upon me to negatively affect my finances.
Channeled Message about Lucifer:
Lucifer has been your enemy for many lifetimes. He has been your undoing for eons. The work you now do is in large part due to his efforts. He has undermined humanity since the get go. He came here with one purpose; he fulfilled another. It was not the role God intended. It was the role of a lifetime that he was assigned.
He did not like the assignment. He resisted. He baulked. He decided to take matters into his own hands. He undid what was originally intended. It was a battle that started in Heaven and then played out aggressively here on this planet. His role and responsibility for the undoing of mankind went far beyond the imaginable. He was your biggest nemesis.
He and Satan were equal partners in your undoing at times but for different reasons. He was not your enemy at first. It was only when you threw him out of Heaven that he became so. Up until that last minute there was a battle of wills but not ideals. When he came to Earth, the undoing began. Rage persisted and integrated all action. He was mad at you and he was mad at God. God couldn’t figure out why he took issue with the choice and request He made of him.
This message was received while I was still Archangel Michael incarnate before the switch occurred to the new world and then my high self became Archangel Faith when he left my body and she entered the Fall of 2015.
During the Fall of 2012, I was given a letter from God to deliver to a man who carried the soul of Lucifer.
Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She is a noted business consultant and spiritual healer with an international clientele, offering personalized guidance and transformative healing remotely via phone, Skype, or Zoom.
Chosen by Archangel Michael, she was asked to channel his book Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life, and partner with him to create a global healing practice. Their collaborative efforts, aimed at setting humanity free, are highlighted in the international best-seller Clear Your Past and Change Your Future.
Joy works with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and release hidden challenges impacting money, relationships, career, business, health, and overall well-being. Her expertise includes clearing negative memories, emotions, limiting beliefs, past-life issues, property imbalances, travel disruptions, curses, darkness, and karmic patterns.
In addition to private sessions, Joy offers a group membership program through, where participants can access powerful tools and collective healing to support spiritual growth and personal success.
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