I am amazed this is the 5th anniversary as World Mother. Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. It has not been an easy journey but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. What a ride! When considering the position of World Mother, I was told there was no...
While contemplating it being Palm Sunday today and the idea of the martyr palm, I was reminded of Holy Week 2013. Martyrdom was the first subject we cleared that week before opening up Heaven on Earth on March 30, 2013. At that time we used spiritual healing and...
I woke up this particular Sunday morning with a bout of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I took this verbiage from a military-related PTSD site to help provide an overview as PTSD is a common effect following military service: Common signs and symptoms of PTSD...
As I write this on Good Friday, March 25, 2016, I am reminded of March 29, 2013 when it was my assignment to clear serpent energy. It was the last clearing I was divinely guided to do that most pivotal Holy Week 2013 when we were clearing the cause of the karma...
The Archangel Michael appeared to me in 2004, asking me to work with him in a healing practice and write his book. He dictated the manuscript, and I completed it. “Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life” was ultimately published....
A woman came to me to clear for a relationships. She was lead to me to begin work on Monday of Holy Week, March 25, 2013. During our first session, the subject of martyrdom came up. When working with her in our second session, April 2, 2013, Archangel Ariel had...